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Daniel's 70 Weeks of Years A Biblical Bible Prophecy!

From the Holy Bible's Old Testament's Book of Daniel the Prophet Chapter 9:24-27

This Prophecy's Timeline Periods are based on the Biblical Prophetic Year from Holy Bible's Book of Revelation Chapter 11:2-3 Chapter 12:6,14 Chapter 13:5

Some of Prophecy's Timeline Periods are Below

One Biblical Prophetic Year equals 12 Months times 30 Days equals 360 Days Per One Biblical Prophetic Year

Biblical Prophetic Year Timeline Examples Below

7 x 1 Week = 7 Years

7 x 7 Weeks = 49 Years

7 x 62 Weeks = 434 Years

7 x 69 Weeks = 483 Years

70 x 70 Weeks = 490 Years

360 Days x 483 Years = 173,880 Days

One Biblical Prophetic Week of Years equals 7 Biblical Prophetic Years on the Biblical Prophetic Timeline!

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Why Should We or Anyone Study Bible Prophecy?

A) First because it is by Bible Prophecy that God has been and is Revealing some of his Plans for this World and its Future too and the People who live in this world of their Past and Future also!

B) By Studying Bible Prophecy we can gain and or build our Trust in the Word of God and his Promises and Hopefully put our Faith in Gods Promises too Which mainly is Ever Lasting Life with Him and his Son Jesus Christ Amen and Selah!

Which is a Good Reason why to Study Biblical Bible Prophecy in the First Place Amen and Selah!

C) And there are 3 Types Bible Prophecy to Study:

Past Prophecy and Current Prophecy and Future Prophecy

1) When Studying about Past Bible Prophecy:

We are Learning about Bible Prophecy that is "already" fulfilled.

2) When Studying about Current Bible Prophecy:

We are Learning about Bible Prophecy that is being "currently" fulfilled.

3) When Studying about Future Bible Prophecy;

We are Learning about Bible Prophecy that has "not yet" been fulfilled.

4) The Study of Bible Prophecy:

Can and should help us to build our Confidence and our Trust in the Holy Bible the Word of the living God too.

5) Why?

Because it is the will of God for us all to Believe that the Holy Bible is his Word.

6) The will of God is for us all to:

Believe that Jesus Christ is God's only begotten Son who died on the Cross for us all Amen and Selah!

Holy Bible King James Version Revelation 1:5-7

7) And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood,

8) And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.

9) Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.

10) Why?

Because God the Heavenly Father Promise that Jesus Christ his Son would become the Savior of the World.

11) Plus:

God's Son Jesus Christ did die on the Cross for all our sins and afterwards God did raise his Son Jesus Christ from the Dead on the 3rd Day.

12) Just as God Promised he would do:

And His Son Jesus Christ is Risen from the Dead!

Thanks be to God for his love for us before we have choosen to believe him in his promises!

Holy Bible King James Version 1 John 4:19

We love him, because he first loved us!

The Written Study Notes on this Webpage are on the 70 Weeks of Daniel and with detailed focus on the Prophecy's Timeline and also links to YouTube.com Videos on the 70 Weeks of Daniel's Bible Prophecy Top of this Webpage.

Daniel's 70 Weeks;

And is also know as Daniel's 70 Weeks of Years and other Titles.

Written By The Bible's Old Testament's Prophet Daniel Himself!

According to the Word of God Which is the Holy Bible of the Living God;

It is Written in the Book of Daniel that God Sent the Angel Gabriel A Messenger of God to Daniel and the Angel Gabriel Revealed this Prophecy to Daniel;

A Prophet of the Holy Bible Around the Year 539 B.C. on the Proleptic Julian Calendar System.

Plus the YouTube Videos are from Various Christian Writers on Daniel's 70 Weeks Prophecy and there may be Some little difference on Some of the points on this Prophecy;

And one point of difference is a one Year difference on the Start and End Date for the First 69 Week of Years and those 1st 69 Prophetic Weeks equal 483 Prophetic Years from start to finish; but those Years have only 360 Days Per Year with no leap rules;

On the Proleptic Roman Julian Calendar System those 483 Prophetic Years are equal to 476 Years and 21 Days and the Total Days for the 1st 69 Prophetic Weeks equal 173,880 Days Total which is also taught on this and other pages on this Website.

All the Videos shared on this Website on the 70 Weeks of Daniel Teach that the Prophecy is About Jesus Christ's 1st and 2nd comings and more;

All the Teachers of the Videos we share are in Agreement that the "last week of years" is the 70th Prophetic Week and that last Week of Years will last for 7 Prophetic Years which equal 2,520 Days in Total;

And that last Prophetic Week would happen after the Days of Jesus Christ's life on this Earth were over and that the 1st 69 Weeks of Years had come to their end on Palm Sunday or at or near the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ; videos

And some Believe it was on Sunday April 6th 32 A.D. that the Prophecy of the 1st 69 Prophetic Weeks came to thier end and that Day is know as Palm Sunday and that's the current belief and opinion of this Website's Author and Teacher.

Below Our Study Notes on Daniel's 70 Weeks Biblical Bible Prophecy.

Holy Bible Book of Zechariah 9:9

9:9) Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem: behold, thy King cometh unto thee: he is just, and having salvation; lowly, and riding upon an ass, and upon a colt the foal of an ass.

Holy Bible Gospel of Matthew 21:1-11

21:1) And when they drew nigh unto Jerusalem, and were come to Bethphage, unto the mount of Olives, then sent Jesus two disciples,

21:2) Saying unto them, Go into the village over against you, and straightway ye shall find an ass tied, and a colt with her: loose them, and bring them unto me.

21:3) And if any man say ought unto you, ye shall say, The Lord hath need of them; and straightway he will send them.

21:4) All this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, saying,

5) Tell ye the daughter of Sion, Behold, thy King cometh unto thee, meek, and sitting upon an ass, and a colt the foal of an ass.

21:6) And the disciples went, and did as Jesus commanded them,

21:7) And brought the ass, and the colt, and put on them their clothes, and they set him thereon.

21:8) And a very great multitude spread their garments in the way; others cut down branches from the trees, and strawed them in the way.

21:9) And the multitudes that went before, and that followed, cried, saying, Hosanna to the son of David: Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord; Hosanna in the highest.

21:10) And when he was come into Jerusalem, all the city was moved, saying, Who is this?

21:11) And the multitude said, This is Jesus the prophet of Nazareth of Galilee.

Holy Bible Book of Romans 5:17

5:17) For if by one man's offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.

Holy Bible Gospel of Matthew 5:17

5:17) Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.

Holy Bible Gospel of Matthew 18:21

18:21) Then came Peter to him, and said, Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? till seven times?

Holy Bible Bible Gospel of Matthew 18:22

18:22) Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto thee, until seven times: but, until seventy times seven.

Look at Verse 22 above from the Gospel of Matthew Chapter 18 and note the following Statement: "until seventy times seven" It is Jesus Christ speaking himself and is Jesus Christ making a referrence to the Book of Daniel and the 70 Weeks of Daniel? See Daniel 9:24 Below:

Holy Bible Bible Book of Daniel 9:24

9:24) Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy.

A Week Hebrew Could be a Week of Years or Just a Week of Days.

Also See Below Genesis 29:27

29:27) Fulfil her WEEK, and we will give thee this also for the service which thou shalt serve with me yet SEVEN other YEARS.

Look once again watching a few of the Prophecy Videos on Daniel's 70 Weeks Prophecy on this Web Site will help you to better understand the following Study Notes on this Bible Prophecy of the 70 Weeks of Daniel from the Book of Daniel; who was and still is a Prophet, of the Holy Bible Which is God's Written Word.

More Study Notes on Daniel's 70 Weeks Prophecy Below

1) In the Bible's old Testament Book of Daniel Chapter 9:24-27 there's a Prophecy known as the 70 Weeks of Daniel and it's a Prophetic Timeline Concerning Daniel's People the Jews and their Holy City Jerusalem

2) Daniel Received the Prophecy from the Angel Gabriel in the late mid 6th Century in the 500's B.C. era around the Year 539 B.C..

More Detais on Daniel's 70 Weeks Prophecy's Timeline Below

3) In the 70 Weeks Prophecy's Prophetic Timeline God has outlined 6 or 7 future Things Depends on this Statement in Daniel Chapter 9:24

Daniel Chapter 9:24 and to seal up the vision and prophecy,

A lot of Bible Prophecy Teachers Count these "two" things "vision" and "prophecy"; As one thing, and the above quote is from the King James Bible.

4) These 6 or 7 things God will do for his Holy People Isreal by the end of the Timeline Period which is 490 Years on God's Prophetic Timeline Period And on the Proleptic Roman Juialian Calendar the 1st 69 weeks of Years are 476 Years and 21 Days and the Total Consecutive Days count total is 173,880 Days

5) Daniel 9:24) Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, (1st) to finish the transgression, and (2nd) to make an end of sins, and rd) to make reconciliation for iniquity, and (4h) to bring in everlasting righteousness, and (5th) to seal up the vision and prophecy, and (6th) to anoint the most Holy.

6) The Period of the Timeline is expressed in terms accustomed to the Jewish people of the Old Testament Times

7) The Angel Gabriel told Daniel in their Hebrew language that, that period of time would be a future period of time known as "70 Sevens" and in most English Bibles the phrase "70 Sevens" was translated as "70 Weeks"

8) For now will only deal with the length of the Prophecies Prophetic Timeline and it's Starting Point and Ending Points!

9) The Jewish Hebrew People back when the Prophecy was writen and before in Biblical History were accustomed to Periods of Time lasting Seven Years; So the phrase "70 Sevens" would have been understood as a Period of "490 Years"

10) One view point is the Prophecy's Prophetic Timeline started on Monday March 17th 445 B.C. and Ran for 483 Prophetic Years and Stop on April 6th 32 A.D. and according to the Julian Calendar that period of time would be 476 Years and 21 Days and the Prophecy would restart on a later date in the future to Finish the last 7 Prophetic Years of the Total 490 Prophetic Years of Daniel's 70 Weeks Prophecy

11) The Prophecy's Prophetic Timeline has stop for now and it stopped on Sunday April 6th 32 A.D. and its on hold until God restarts it's clock again and it will run until it's completed at the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ when He returns back to this earth some day!

12) The Prophetic Timeline of Daniel's 70 Weeks Prophecy is a Prophecy of 70 Weeks of Years and one Week of Years is equal to 7 Prophetic Years and there's 2,520 days to one Prophetic Week of Years and one Prophetic Year has 360 days in it.

13) But the Angel Gabriel left one thing out and that was that the Years of the Prophetic Timeline of the Seventy Weeks i.e. "490 Years" would be based on the "Biblical Prophetic Year" which is 360 Days Per Year with no Leap Year rules; plus, the Biblical Prophetic Year probably was not known to Daniel and his People back then why because;

14) The Prophetic Year of 360 Days Per Year was not revealed until the New Testament Book of Revelation Chapter 11:2-3 some 500 plus years later from Daniel's time around the early 90's A.D.

15) Verse 2) "But the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months."

16) Verse 3) "And I will give power to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy 1,260 days, clothed in sackcloth."

17) One half of a Prophetic Week equals 42 Months which equals 3 and 1/2 Prophetic Years and is equal to 1,260 days and a Prophetic Year has 360 days per year in it and that year is referred by many Bible Teachers and Students by that name Prophetic Year.

18) The Angel Gabriel divided the 70 Prophetic Weeks Timeline into to 3 Periods of Time.

19) he first period of time is 7 Prophetic Weeks and are equal to 49 Prophetic Years and one Prophetic Week is equal to 2,520 days and 7 Prophetic Weeks are equal to 17,640 days and those 17,640 days are length of time in days for that first period of time in the timeline of the first 7 Prophetic Weeks of time in the Prophecy of the 70 Weeks of Daniel.

20) The second period of time is 62 Prophetic Weeks and is equal to 434 Prophetic Years Prophetic years and those 62 Prophetic Weeks are equal to 156,240 days and those 156,240 days are length of time in days for that second period and adding both first period of time of 17,640 days and second period of time of 156,240 days and both of those 2 periods of time together are equal to 173,880 days of Prophecy of the 70 Weeks of Daniel and those first and second periods of time (173,880 days) are also equal to 483 Prophetic Years.

21) The third Period of time of the Prophetic Timeline is the last Prophetic Week of Daniel's 70 Weeks Prophecy and once again that last Prophetic Week of the timeline period is equal to 2,520 days and that last Prophetic Week is the 70th Week of Daniel's Prophecy of the 70 Weeks of Daniel's Prophecy

22) And when that last Prophetic Week ends at the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ and then all three time period will have fully full filled the 490 Prophetic Years of Daniel's 70 Weeks and the total of those three time periods of the timeline of the 70 Weeks Prophecy of Daniel total time in days is 176,440 days total.

23) The first and second time periods of the Prophetic Timeline of the first 7 Prophetic Weeks and the second time period of the second period of the next 62 Prophetic Weeks and both those periods of time are equal 69 Weeks or 483 Prophetic Years and those first and secomd timelime period in days are equal to 173,880 days and those two time periods of the Prophetic Timeline have already Ran their course and the timethose first and second timeline periods began on Monday March the 17th 445 B.C. and ended on Sunday April 6th 32 A.D. on the Julian Calendar System for a Total of 173,880 Days!

24) Sir Robert Anderson was born on May 29th 1841 and wrote books on the Bible Prophecy and one of the Books is called "The Coming Prince" and in it Anderson discusses the Prophecy of "Daniel's 70 Weeks" found in the old Testament Book of Daniel of the Holy Bible!

25) Sir Robert Anderson may have been the One who first figured out the "Prophetic Year" from the Book of Revelation the last Book of the New Testament Bible and the Book of Revelation was writen by the Apostle John who was a Disple and Follower of Jesus Christ!

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Below is the Artical on Sir Robert Anderson's 3 Day start "error", which had to do with some Minor Errors on Calculating the Prophecy's Timelines according to the Proleptic Calender System of Roman Julian Calendar System, the Artical begins below:

A) The term {Proleptic} Roman Julian Calendar is the Roman Julian Calendar Syatem being used for historical events before the Roman Julian Calendar began in the year 46 B.C. or so.

B) And the above Calendar System used {Leap Day Rules}; which every 4 Years, 1 Day was added to the Calendar in the Month of February i.e the 29th Day of February and that leap rule continued to be used until the Year 1582 A.D. when the {Leap Day Rules} had changed and the new leap rules remains unchanaged since 1582 A.D..

C) Now Sir Robert Anderson was using {Proleptic} Roman Julain Calendar System to {Track} Daniel's 70 Weeks Prophecy's Prophetic Timeline Years for the Prophecy's Timeline Periods and this is where Sir Robert Anderson made his {Error} by wrongly applying the {New Leap Day Rules} instead of using old Roman Julian Calendar {Leap Day Rules} which will be explained in more detail in the Artical below:

P.S. Also the {Proleptic} Roman Julian Calendar System uses a 7 Day Week and those weeks run one Week to another Week and they also continuing from Year to Year and so on and it's the Proleptic Roman Julian Calendar System that is used by most Mordern Day Historians for Histroical Dates in the B.C. Era Time Periods for most World History...

Now Begins our Study on Sir Robert Anderson's 3 Day Error Below:

1) The late Sir Robert Anderson choose Friday March 14th 445 B.C. on the Proleptic Roman Julian Calendar System for the "starting point" for the 1st 69 Prophetic Weeks which equal 483 Prophetic Years or in total Days 173,880 Days for the Daniel's 70 Weeks Bible Prophecy.

2) Which Sir Robert Anderson "erred" by Starting the Prophetic 70 Weeks Bible Prophecy by "3 Days to early", why, because Anderson choose Friday March 14th 445 B.C. for the starting point of the Prophecy, although his "end date" of Sunday April 6th 32 A.D. was correct for the end of the "1st 69 Prophetic Weeks"; Which are equal to 483 Prophetic Years, which in Total Days are equal to 173,880 days for that Period of the Prophecy's Prophetic Timeline Period.

3) This how Sir Robert Anderson "error"; Because He Anderson was using the Proleptic Roman Julian Calendar System to track the Prophecy's Timeline and in his calculations he "errored" by using Leap Year Rules of the the Roman Gregorian Calendar System of the year 1582 A.D. instead of using the Roman Julain Calendar Leap Years Rule for Proleptic Roman Julian Calendar Timeline Period of the 5th Century B.C..

4) Anderson applied the wrong amount of Leap Days; Sir Robert Anderson says there were only 116 Leap Days, when there were actually 119 Leap Days in the prophetic period of Daniel's prophecy of the 70 weeks accordingly to the (Proleptic) Roman Julian Calendar System.

5) When Sir Robert Anderson used "Roamn Gregorian Calendar System" for Leap Days, that system says: If a year is not divisible by 400, that year is not considered to be a Leap-Year of 366 days; So, the years 300 B.C., 200 B.C. and 100 B.C. are not leap-years. Sir Robert Anderson should have used (Proleptic) Roman Julian Calendar System for Leap Days which would have been "119" extra leap days" in the Prophecy's 1st 69 Prophetic Weeks of Years or a little over 476 Julian Calendar Years.

6) The 173,880 days of the Prophecy's Prophetic Timeline Period on the (Proleptic) Roman Julian Calendar is equal to 476 Years from Monday March 17 445 B.C. to Sunday March 16th 32 A.D. for a Sub-total of 173,859 day (476 x 365.25 = 173,859 days)

7) Now add an additional 21 days to the 173,859 days from above and those additional 21 days from Monday March 17th 32 A.D. to Sunday April 6th 32 A.D. for a total of 173,880 days: (173,859 days + 21 days = 173,880 days = 483 Prophetic Years in days total i.e the Prophetic Year has 360 days per year).

8) And that Sunday April 6th 32 A.D. is the end of the 1st 69 Prophetic Weeks of Years of the 70 Weeks of Daniel's Prophecy of the 70 Weeks of Years from the Holy Bible's Old Testament Book of Daniel Chapter 9:24-27!

9) The corrected {Start Date} of the 70 Weeks Prophecy is: Monday March 17th 445 B.C. to Sunday April 6th 32 A.D. on the (Proleptic) Roman Julian Calendar System!

Below more Details on Sir Robert Anderson's "minor error" on Daniel's 70 Weeks Prophecy's Timeline;

10) I was playing Mathematical Gymnastics with a Calculator a few days ago and todays date is February 15th 2021 A.D. and below is what I discovered;

11) That there is One way to settle this issuse on the Wrong day to start Daniel's 70 Weeks Prophecy's Start Date on! (i.e. Wrong Day is Friday March 14th 445 B.C., The correct Day is Monday March 17th 445 B.C.)

12) If the following is the CORRECT interpretation that the 70 Weeks of Daniel's Prophecy's 1st 69 Prophetic Weeks of the Prophetic Timeline Period in days equals 173,880 CONSECUTIVE days long for the Prophecy's Timeline's period.

13) Then some Simple math may solve the problem of Anderson's Start Date of Friday March 14th 445 B.C. according to the Proleptic Roman Julian Calendar System that Sir Robert Anderson used to Track Daniel's 70 Weeks Prophecy's Timeline;

14) Sir Robert Anderson was using the {Proleptic} Roman Julain Calendar System to TRACK Daniel's 70 weeks Prophetic Prophecy's Timeline of the Prophecy's 1st 69 Prophetic Years of Prophetic Weeks;

15) And the {Proleptic} Roman Julian Calendar System has Weeks of 7 Days; like the final form of Roman Julain Calendar System, before Roman Julian Calendar System was reformed on October 15th 1582 A.D. and now the Roman Julian Calendar System is known as Gregorian Calendar which most of the world uses today:

16) Below are the Names of the Days of the Week on Roman Julian and Roman Gregorian Calendar System of 7 day weeks;

{Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday}

17) The Prophecy started on a Monday March 17th 445 B.C. and the on the 1st Palm Sunday ever; Sunday April 6th 32 A.D., the Prophecy of Daniel's 70 Weeks of Years was partially fulfilled and the last 7 Years of Daniel's 70 Weeks of Years Prophecy are still future as of May 13th 2024 and may start in the near future and we may only have a few years or so or less get ready and those last 7 Years will not be a Sunday school picnic either...

18) Now divide the amount of total days in the 70 Weeks of Daniel's Prophecy's 1st 483 Prophetic Years by the number 7 and the math and answer will be below;

19) 173,880 total days divded by 7 equals 24,840 total whole weeks; no partial week; once again, 24,840 total whole weeks;

20) So whatever day of the week you start the Prophecy of the 70 weeks on, the last week of the Prophecy will also lasts for 7 days that is for one whole week of 7 days;

21) So if Monday March 17th 445 B.C. is the correct day of the Week to start the Daniel's 1st 69 Prophetic Weeks of Years Prophecy;

22) Then Daniel's 70 Weeks of Years Prophecy's Correct Start Date would be on the following Day:

23) Monday March 17th 445 B.C.

24) Because; Once Again, Monday to Sunday is a period of 7 days total and is equal to One 7 Day Week.

25) So the Frist Week began on a Monday and Ended on a Sunday.

26) And so the Last Week of the Prophecy would also Begin on Monday too and End on a Sunday too!

Peace in Jesus Christ's name Amen and Selah!

1) The Prophetic Year of 360 Days Per Year is not based on any Lunar and or Solar Calendar System of this world period. See Study Below.

2) One Misconception is the Timeline of Daniel's 70 Weeks is based on a Lunar Calendar of 360 Days Per Year which there was no such calendar on the earth period; But, Daniel's 70 Weeks is based on the Prophetic Biblical Calendar of 360 Days Per Year and that's what is used to calculate the Prophecy's Timeline Periods:

3) On God's Observed Lunar Calendar the Months are 29 Days Long or 30 Days Long Per Month;

4) On God's Observed Lunar Calendar the Year is either 12 Lunar Months Long or 13 Lunar Months Long and on average a 12 month Lunar Years is 354 Days Long or a 13 month Lunar Years is 384 Days Long on average;

5) Anderson starts Daniel's 70 Weeks Timeline in the month of March; Which is correct month to start with and on God's Observed Lunar Calendar, the month is the Hebrew Month of Nisan in the Year 445 B.C.; Also, See in the Bible in the Old Testament Book of Nehemiah Chapter 2 for start time of Prophecy.

See our Web Page called: "God's Holy Calendar Page" for more on God's Observed Lunar Calendar and the Page link to that Web page is below or top of this Web page.

6) The Hebrew month of Nisan on the {Proleptic} Roman Julian Calendar starts in the month of March or April and the month of Nisan is the 1st month of the Year on God's Observed Lunar Calendar;

7) A New Lunar Month Begins on or near the Astronomical New Moon and runs from one Astronomical New Moon to the next Astronomical New Moon!

8) Next see below for dates to use to calculate the Prophecy's Timeline; Then go to Date Duration Calculator Tool Website below and use the Date Duration Calculator Tool to calculate the Prophecy's Timelime:

9) Then when at Date Duration Calculator Tool's Web Site Put the for the start Month March and the Day is Monday the 17th and the Year is 445 B.C. and the end Month is April and the Day is Sunday April the 6th and the Year 32 A.D. This is the Timeline we at this Website currently hold to which equal in Days 173,880 Days Total...

10) Also, Below in the "parentheses" is Sir Robert's Anderson's Timeline and you can check his Timeline by using the Keisan Online Calculator Tool and that tool's Website link is below too:

11) The start Month is March and the day is Friday the 14th and the Year is 445 B.C. and the end Month is April and the day is Sunday April the 6th and the Year 32 A.D.)

12) And you will see that Sir Robert Anderson's timeline total equals: 173,883 Consecutive Days Total and not 173,880 Consecutive Days Total of the 1st 69 Weeks of Daniel Prophecy's Timeline.

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The Calendar Websites listed Below can used in Helping to understand the Calendar Systems used in Calculating the Timeline Periods of Daniel's 70 Weeks of Years Bible Prophecy and How the Calendars themselves Work too.

The Date Duration Calculator Tool is used for Checking the Length of the Prophecy's Timeline Periods for instance: Monday March 17th 445 B.C. to Sunday April 6th 32 A.D. in Consecutive days is 173,880 Days Total.

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Ancient Egyptian
Lunar Calendar


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Proleptic Roman
Julian Calendar


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Moon Phases
Calendar Website

3999 B.C. to 3999 A.D.

Use Date Duration Tool Below
To check Prophecy's Timeline
At msevans.com Website

Add one extra day for the end date calculation;
See example below

For April 6th / Enter April 7th;

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Why; Because April 6th would not be counted...

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A Word to the
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Wise is Sufficient!

A) The Prophecy's Timeline Period according
to Proleptic Roman Julian Calendar System equals:

B) 476 Years and 21 Days is the length Prophecy's
Timeline Period of it's first 483 Prophetic Years.

C) And first 483 Prophetic Years is also equal to 69 Weeks Prophetic of Weeks of Years.

D) Now next is the amount of Consecutive Days from the start to end of the Prophecy's Timeline for it's first 483 Prophetic Years will amount to in

E) Consecutive Days equals 173,880 Total Days on the Biblical Prophetic Calendar System and also on the Proleptic Roman Julian Calendar System too.

1) The Biblical Prophetic Year has quote: 360 Days Per it's Calendar Year and uses no Leap Year Rules either.

2) The Biblical Prophetic Week of Years has: 2,520 Days Per One Week of Years.

3) The Proleptic Roman Julian Calendar and Normal Roman Julian Calendar System Year has 365 or 366 Days Per 12 Month Year; The Begins with the Month of January and Ends with the Month of December.

{The Prophecy of the 70 Weeks of Daniel started on a Monday March 17th 445 B.C. and the 1st 483 Prophetic Years or {476 Julian Years and 21 Days} of the 70 Weeks of Daniel's Prophecy Came to their end on Palm Sunday April 6th 32 A.D.

And the Prophecy was only Partially Fulfilled and Remaining last 7 Years are still future!

And those last 7 Prophetic Years may start in the near future and we may only have a few years or Months or less to get ready and those last 7 Years will not be a Sunday School Picnic Either!}

Any one want to guess;

When the last 7 Prophetic Years of Daniel's 70 Weeks Prophecy will Start and End?

I'll go out onto a Limb and Propose this below;

The 1st 173,880 Days Ended on Palm Sunday April 6th 32 A.D.;

What if the last 7 Prophetic Years of Daniel's 70 Weeks Prophecy Pick back up where the 1st the 69 Weeks of Years came to thier End;

Then start again on a Monday like when the Prophecy first began on Monday March 17th 445 B.C. and maybe in the our near future?

"POSSIBLE" Days to Consider for the last 7 Prophetic Years and those "last" are the Remaining Yearsfrom Total years of Dani490 Year Prophecy to restart to begin may be;

Monday April 7th 2025 A.D. and the End of those last 7 Years would be on Sunday Februuary 29th 2032 A.D. for a Total 2,520 Days from start to finish?

There are Links on this Website to "online tools" and anyone can check for it out thier selfs and see if this could be possible!

I did and this what I found out below;

Monday April 7th 2025 to Sunday February 29th 2032 is 2,520 days total which work out for the last 7 Prophetic of Daniel's 70 Weeks to end; Just maybe, sit back and see and do not get too relax;


Becuase Jesus Christ Says in the Holy Bible's Gospel of Matthew Chapter 24;

That those "last 7 years" will be the worst days of this World's History Period, but Jesus Christ will return like as a "Street Cleaner" to Clean up the devil's mess and Setup his Father's {God's} Kingdom on this Earth for 1,000 Years Period Amen and Selah! A Quick Refresher on the Prophetic Week and Timeline Periods which there are which many Teachers on this Prophecy that believe that there are "two" Timeline Periods in the Prophecy of the 70 Weeks and we of this Web site believe in the Two Timeline Periods also;

The Pictures below of the timeline Periods Charts and Calendars which some of Charts and Calendars are for illustration of the proposes of the "Timeline Dates" and also some of the Timeline Dates that when the Prophecy's Start Time would begin and the 1st Timeline Stop would be, as taught by many of the Teachers of this Prophecy of the 70 Weeks of Years.

The Prophecy that is Shared on this Website "Daniel's 70 Weeks" is also referred to as qouted; "the 70 Weeks of Years" and that Time Period is a Period of 490 Prophetic Years which is the Famous Prophecy of Daniel's 490 Years Prophecy";

The Prophezied Commandment as told by Daniel the Biblical Prophet of the Holy Bible; Who Wrote the Book of Daniel and In that Book Daniel it Says that:

That Commandment the one Mention above that, that Commandment would be the Starting Point of When the "Prophetic Time Clock" would Start Ticking and would mark the Start of the 490 Prophetic Years of Daniel's 70 Weeks of Prophecy which would mark the Prophecy's Beginning Point!

Was most likely on Monday March 17th 445 B.C. or Late Sunday night after Sunset on March 16th 32 A.D. which would be Nisan 5th the God's Lunar Calendar System and Not the Modern Day Jewish Calculated Calendar System because that's not the Calendar System used in Biblical Times during the Writing of Bible and before the destruction of the Jewish Temple in 70 A.D.

Astronomical New Moons

Below is a Look at the Timeline of the 1st 69 Weeks of Years of Daniel's 70 Weeks of Years Prophecy Which some of the Prophecy has already been Fulfilled in Past History!

Monday March 17th 445 B.C
to Sunday April 6th 32 A.D. equals

173,880 Consecutive Days Total

173,880 Days

New Moon Thursday
March 13th 445 B.C.
Jerusalem Holy Land Time

New Moon Saturday March 29th 445 BC

New Moon Saturday
March 29th 32 A.D.

New Moon Saturday March 29th 32 AD

A) In order to Calculate the Timeline of the Prophecy known as the Daniel's 70 Weeks.

B) One must use the Bible's Prophetic Prophecy Calendar Year of 360 Days Per Year. Why:

Because it's the only way the Prophecy's Timeline works out correctly period. Why:

Because Mathematics is Precise and which also is why this Prophecy is so Amazing and just think about that for a minute or two! Why:

Because God is 100% Perfect all the Time Period!

Holy Bible King James Version

Numbers 23:19

Verse 19: God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?

C) One Prophetic Week is equal to 7 Prophetic Years and one Prophetic Week of Years in days is 2,520 consecutive days total which also equals one Prophetic Week.

{The math: 7 Years x 360 Days = 2,520 Consecutive Days Total}

D) Sir Robert Anderson states in his book "The Coming Prince" that Friday March 14th 445 B.C. is the Start Date for Daniel's 70 Weeks of Years Prophecy to have began on and once agian Daniel's 70 Weeks of Years Prophecy's Start Date according to Sir Robert Anderson was Friday March 14th 445 B.C..

E) And Sir Robert Anderson also states the Prophecy's 1st 69 Prophetic Weeks of Years Ended on Sunday April 6th 32 A.D.; He, Sir Robert Anderson arrived at that Conclusion after he carefully research the Prophecy's Timeline back in the late 19th Century.

F) More details on Prophetic Year and the Prophecy's Timeline below; Plus, Sir Robert's Anderson's Minor Miscalculation of the Prophecy of Daniel's 70 Weeks of Years Prophecy's Start Date.

G)Because; Sir Robert Anderson, was 3 days to early for the Start Date and which Sir Robert Anderson should have started the Prophecy's Timeline on Monday March 17th 445 B.C. and not on Friday March 14th 445 B.C.

P.S. The amount of Days for the 1st 69 Weeks of Years is correct which is 173,880 Consecutive Days Total.

173,883 Days

173,880 Days

Dr. Harold Hoehner's Alternative to Sir Robert Anderson's Dates

Look Possible Future Timeline Dates Below for the 70th Week of Daniel?

The 70th Week is the Final Week of Years of Daniel's 70 Weeks of Years Prophecy!

A Biblical Bible Prophecy From the Holy Bible's Book of Daniel Chapter 9:24-27

Someting to Consider?

Will Just have to Wait and See!

Below are Just some Proposal Dates and Maybe there Right?

Who knows for Sure other than God Himself!

Timeline Dates to Consider are Below

Monday April 7th 2025 A.D. to
Sunday February 29th 2032 A.D.

Equals 2,520 Consecutive Days Total

2,520 Days

Monday April 7th 2025 A.D. to
Tuesday March 30th 2032 A.D.

Equals 2,550 Consecutive Days Total

2,550 Days

Monday April 7th 2025 A.D. to
Friday May 14th 2032 A.D.

Equals 2,595 Consecutive Days Total

2,595 Days

Monday September 18th 2028 A.D. to
Sunday Februuary 29th 2032 A.D.

Equals 1,260 Consecutive Days Total

1,260 Days

Monday September 18th 2028 A.D. to
Tuesday March 29th 2032 A.D.

Equals 1,290 Consecutive Days Total

1,290 Days Total

Monday September 18th 2028 A.D. to
Friday May 14th 2032 A.D. Pentecost

Equals 1,335 Consecutive Days Total

1,335 Days

Below are Calendars for Timeline Periods above!

New Moon Sunday
April 27th 2025 A.D.

New Moon Sunday April 27th 2025 AD

New Moon Monday
September 18th 2028 A.D.

New Moon Monday September 18th 2032 AD

New Moon Wednesday
February 11th 2032 A.D.

February 2032 AD

New Moon Thursday
March 11th 2032 A.D.

New Moon Thursday March 11th 2032 A.D.

New Moon Saturday
May 9th 2032 A.D.

New Moon Saturday May 9th 2032 A.D.

New Moon Saturday
September 4th 2032 A.D.

September 2032 AD

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